For more than 20 years, our reliable team of engine enthusiasts and engineering aficionados have contributed their knowledge, expertise and passion for the industry into developing products that provide our customers with the best engine performance possible. Our solutions allow for individual engine adjustments that enhance efficiency, torque and power while reducing fuel consumption. We service tractors, combines, forage harvesters, self-propelled sprayers, transfer pumps, semi-trucks and construction equipment. 


Our excellence is defined by commitment to our core priorities. Power, dynamism, continuous improvement and technological experience coupled with the willingness to blaze new trails allow us to guarantee sophisticated products backed by absolute customer satisfaction.

What happens during performance modification


Discussing client’s demands

Agroecopower technicians will come to the customer and together they will discuss demands and expectations.



Diagnostic and software backup procedures are run before SW modification is performed. Control unit modification can be reversed at any time.


Installing new software

New software solution is prepared individually for selected vehicle and is subsequently installed back into the control unit.


Final check

We run diagnostics and inspection of all relevant engine components. Before the delivery, we perform a test drive and we stand behind our SW modification as long as you own it.

What will change in the engine?

  • By performing the modification, parameter characteristics of injection, air-to-fuel ratio, injection duration, amount of fuel and torque limiter are optimised.
  • Thanks to the modification, turbo-diesel engines can increase their performance up to 30 % and torque up to 25 %.
  • Torque acquires better performance within low to middle RPM’s!
  • Fuel consumption can be lowered up to 18 %.

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